Sunday 8 January 2017

Shooting Schedule

Throughout the part of production where I was filming all the shots I needed for my short film I filled out this shooting schedule sheet which allowed me to track my progression over the three week period of filming. This was a resource our teacher suggested we use as it allowed us to evaluate ourselves on a small scale as after each shooting session we could fill out the last box of the sheet titled "Comments on shoot". This allowed me to talk about what went well, what was less successful and what do you plan to do next. This was important to my production as it let me and Josh know ahead of time what we wanted to film each session meaning we had time to plan ahead and think about the shots we needed and because we had our settings board already completed we were able to do this easily. The same section of the sheet also allowed me to reflect upon my efficiency and productivity of the last time I was filming so I was quickly able to remember any problems that occurred before I began filming again meaning Josh and I were able to become stronger filmmakers during this three week period.

After completing my shooting schedule sheet a few things stand out to me. The first is that me and Josh could have filmed for longer each session to maximise the amount of shots we could have because when it came to editing, this would have helped as some shots weren't as good as I wanted for my final product. The second is that I realised we stretched this part of production on longer than we should have because we only needed nine days of filming to have all the footage but we decided to span it across three weeks which in reflection was unnecessary. Finally, I can conclude that using this resource was in fact extremely useful during our production as it allowed me and Josh to think about what we can do better at the start of everything shooting day. This ultimately meant that we both began being more critical towards the end of the three week period allowing us both to also become more creative and film shots we initially didn't intend to. Because of this I ended up being able to have a better story for my short film as I could change the ending as I was thinking more about the full film rather than just that day of shooting and those scenes in particular.

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