Saturday 7 January 2017

The Room's Multiple Cuts

I've decided to include a post showing the multiple edits I created as I believe it'll show my progress through my production. This is because I was about to fill certain scenes on different days so whenever I obtained new footage I would add it to my existing edit. Overall, I have four different edits, the first three are here on display but, the fourth is the final cut so I have decided to let this cut have it's own blog post as it's the penultimate version of my short film.

This was my first attempt at editing all the footage I had at the time together. I decided to include the "Add Footage" to the cut in order to see how much more footage I needed to acquire from the remaining part of the script to see whether I would manage to meet my five minute aim for the length of my short film.

My second attempt of my film had a lot more footage to work with. This additional footage took the length of my film to 3:45 meaning I knew I was close to reaching my goal. It also meant that I had a lot of time remaining to complete my project I could look over the remaining parts of my script and change anything I thought wasn't suitable. This extra time meant I could improve the quality of my short film. This edit of the film still has some cutting issues between shots though so I plan to fix this in my next draft of the film.

This was the second to last edit of my film I produced before managing to complete production and make my final edit. As you can see I managed to make certain transitions/cuts between clips better flowing. I also managed to include some rough drafts of the voice over narrator I recorded of Simon Hunter to see how well it suited my film. I personally believe his voice matches the atmosphere of the film well so I am happy with how this cut went. All I needed to do at this point was add the ending onto the cut of the film and make some last minute adjustments.

Overall, I believe my editing skills widely improved as I constantly reedited what footage I had. This is because I was able to allow myself time to make small changes that better improved the quality of my film. One example is that I would start the audio of one clip before I cut to the footage it was from. I did this so the flow of my film seemed more natural as I didn't have a character say something and have a delay between the response from someone else. This post was useful to me as it allowed me to see the progress I made throughout this production and reflecting upon it now I am happy with nearly all creative decisions I made.

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