Saturday 14 January 2017

The Room's Movie Poster: Initial Ideas

As part of this years coursework we need to create to ancillary pieces to go with our main project. For me, I need to make a poster and film magazine review of my short film. I thought that designing a few mock ups and writing a small bit about each would allow me to pick which would look and suits Josh and I's short film the best. As part of my questionnaire I decided to include some extra questions that would be useful for my ancillary's. Below is a screenshot of the question and answers to: "What do you think should be included on a comedy movie poster?" I chose this question as I thought it would be best for me to get an understanding of what best resonates with people when it comes to a comedy film. The clearest choice is the include the characters as the main feature of the poster as 16/17 people that took my survey answered this way. 

I broke up "The Characters" into two categories as I thought I could either go with a picture of the mystery narrator or the group of teenage friends. After doing this I then gave each group two separate poster designs that featured just them. 1 is a close up of the narrator sat in the dark with a light emerging from behind him with a microphone placed in the center in front of him. 2 is an extreme close up of the narrators lips/chins with a zip photoshopped on but slightly open. 3 is meant to show the group of teenagers looking out the door of the room they become locked in with a comical but scared expression on their faces. 4's probably the simplest poster I came up with as it's only a line up of all the teenagers dressed separately to try and show elements of their characters personality.

Below the small drawings with some description I decided to name the positives of each poster idea. I did this because I thought it'd be nicer for me to try and evaluate each instead of just randomly picking one of them. After consideration I have decided to go with poster design number 1 as it looks the most professional, leaves some mystery to what actually happens in the film and whilst it does show a character from the film, it's not one the audience would be expecting to see as the poster character. However, I'm going to also make a few basic designs for posters that primarily feature a scene from the film, a prop or something obscure.

After drawing this I decided I didn't want to produce anymore obscure posters as I knew I wasn't going to pick any of them and me drawing and analysing them was using time I didn't want to lose.

I found this post useful as it allowed me to write down my main ideas and develop upon each of them without losing anything that made each idea good as I could just go back and add more information if something came to me. If I were to do this poster again I would add negatives about doing each poster so I can get a better sense at which choice is actually the smartest one whether than which one has the best positives as it could easily have the worst negatives too. You can see my film poster for "The Room" in my next blog post with a conclusion that talks about how I feel this task went.

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