Thursday 8 September 2016

YouTube/Vimeo Regulation Research

YouTube Rules & Regulations:

Vimeo Rules & Regulations:

After heavily researching both YouTube & Vimeo's policies I've managed to find out what content I'm able to include in my short film if I were going to post them on either site as well as knowing how to treat other members of the community using that site. Looking at this information I've learnt that Josh and I won't be in any danger of breaking any of these rules/regulations as we aren't planning to include any offensive content or content that could lead to offence being taken by certain people in our short. I've also managed to gain a solid understanding of each aspect that is looked at when grading a video being uploaded to these sites as well which means I learnt that we could actually feature more violence if we wanted before we came into getting an R Rating for example. However, we aren't likely going to have content that exceeds a 12 rating for a movie so we won't be violating any rules/regulations these sites have created as a guideline anyway.

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