Thursday 15 September 2016

Institutional Research

For my institutional research I have decided to look into two different routes in which a film can be produced, this is both independently and through the studio system. Firstly, I have talked about independent film in great length across four slides and I also created an independent film case study. I went into so much detail as I thought it was necessary as many people wouldn't understand the method of producing an independent film compared to a studio made one.

I found this research to be useful as it showed me how I would likely have to go about funding and making a film as I live in a quiet area of the country so contacting a large production company would be difficult meaning I got a better feel for the method of financing a film for cases like my short.

As you can see there are less slides about studio produced films, this is because I believe nearly everyone know how these types of films are funded and where they're displayed. Due to this I decided to focus on an individual production company (Happy Madison) as I thought I could give a brief explanation of what the company does, give a few examples of how their movies did financially whilst applying it to my production and talking about why I would likely choose them to produce my short film if I were making it on a larger scale as a feature length movie. Overall, I found this research just as useful as the independent research as it also gave me a different perspective to how the movie industry operates.

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