Monday 19 September 2016

Audience Targeting

All different media outlets from video games to magazine to film know what their target audience members are and have a rough idea of what their lives include in the way of the products they use and other categories, because of this I have decided to mind-map what I think the main categories that are needed to help me and Josh pick what we want our target audience to be. Below you're able to see the six main topics which are: Gender, Occupation, Products They Use, Age, Media Consumption & Hobbies. For each of these I branch off and talk about what are included in them to get a better understanding of their possible lifestyle. 

After consulting Josh about our mind-maps we have decided that we are going to have a target audience that are young males (Between 15 & 25) with a socio-economic class of C1 that are modern so they use newer media consumption that are typically internet and tech based such as streaming services like Netflix, play video games, listen to newly released music but also enjoy spending time with a group/are outgoing. This is because we believe we'll be best able to cater towards this type of group as we are fairly similar to the members within it. I'm happy with this decision as part of this group is within very easy reach so I'll be able to regularly communicate with them and see what ideas they do and don't like meaning our project can do our target audience justice and hopefully provide quality entertainment for them that they enjoy. I'm going to find this blog post very useful when it comes to the production part of my project as it'll help me and Josh know what style to write the short film as we can know who we're creating it for. However, this particular post will only tell us who we are making it for so the next post I'm going to do is audience research as that'll let me and Josh know what our target audience want out of the short.

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