Friday 4 November 2016

Permission For The Use Of The Song "A Punk"

For my short films introduction I want to use a song by the band Vampire Weekend titled "A Punk" because of this I need to obtain permission from the band/manage to ensure I can use it in my final production. I chose to contact the band though email. I got their contact information through their twitter account. I send them the following email:

"Dear Vampire Weekend,

I wish to use your song A Punk in my year 13 media production to be played alongside an opening montage of one of my characters getting ready for school. I'm creating a short film about a group of friends being trapped in a room and being forced to reveal their secrets, the genre of film is comedy so you don't have to worry about me using the song with any wrongful connotations. I will be posting this short film to YouTube in order for people to see if but, I will not be making any money from it so I wouldn't be benefiting financially from your song either.

I look forward to hearing back from you and I hope we can come to an arrangement that allows me to use the song as I think it would suit my films tone perfectly.

Yours sincerely,
                          Charlie Palmer"

I wanted for a response from the band and their manager for two weeks and I'm yet to get a response back so I'm going to assume I won't get one at all. Due to this I've come to the decision I will use the song anyway as I need to carry on with the other planning stages of my production and I can't be wasting time waiting on a response.

In conclusion, I found this post to be useful to me as it showed me how to deal with rejection in a positive manner. This has meant I can better deal with any future rejections too as I have gained experience from this. Hopefully next time I can get a response though as it would allow me to secure important parts of my production

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