Sunday 6 November 2016

Location Recce & Risk Assessment For All Locations

Before the filming process can begin Josh and I needed to secure our locations, in this case it's an undisclosed house in Horrabridge, the A386 and Tavistock College. Since we managed to do obtain permission to film in these place I can now write a location recce and risk assessment for each. I've decided to post these two documents together as it allows me to go more in depth and summarise how they've helped my production better. I chose to give each location their own location recce and risk assessment as it shows professionalism and patience in the ability to produce six documents.

As you can see I found a template of a location recce form and risk assessment form online the top section is the location recce section whereas the two bottom sections on the first, third and fifth screenshots are risk assessments that go with the second, fourth and sixth screenshots to complete the section. I utilised each section to its full potential to make sure I had given all the necessary information required. I found writing this useful as it meant I could learn how to professionally approach film making. Although only for a five minute movie these document did take longer than I expected but it gave me some appreciation for what actual film makers have to undergo as well as them giving me a rough idea what I'd have to do if I were to go into the movie industry after school. The only thing I'd change about this post would be maybe adding a few more possible issues. This is because after finishing this write up I thought of some others such as for space I didn't account for.

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