Thursday 3 November 2016

Permission For Filming In Room 182

For our production Josh and I want to a room located within our school, because of this we need to get permission from someone who is able to grant us the power to that works within the school in a position of authority. I chose to email Mr Jacobs as he is the most likely to give us a quick response but, we likely allow us to film there with no or minor complications. I was very formal as this is an important post since without filming permission being given to us Josh and I would need to find a new location to shoot in.

This is the email I sent to Mr Jacobs and I'm currently waiting on his response. Before sending this email I sent it to my teacher, Simon Hunter so he could proof read it. He was very helpful and instantly read it and said it was perfect so I didn't need change any aspects which was great. I found this post to be helpful as it's given me some experience in how to ask for permission which will hopefully mean I find it easier to ask bands and/or managers for music permission when it comes to that part of my production.

I've since received an email back from Mr Jacob saying:

This is great news as it means Josh and I are able to continue our production and planning of our short film since we have the location sorted. The next stage of our filming permission will be finding out what days I can film by contacting Mrs Garrod who Mr Jacob has kindly put me in contact with. Hopefully the available days will correspond with our cast, as well as Josh's and mine timetables but we are yet to cast anyone so it isn't an issue as of yet. Any mentions of "The Innovation Centre" should be replaced with "Room 182" as I foolishly assumed we'd still be filming in those pair of rooms before sending the email but I sent a follow up email notifying and asking Mr Jacobs if changing to Room 182 was alright and the response was yes.

Overall, I found this post to be useful as it gave me further incite into what a conversation about obtaining permission to shoot in certain locations would be like. It allowed me to gain experience into an industry I'm interested in which I am thankful for. However, if I were to redo this project I would strongly plan ahead before sending out important emails so mistakes like this don't occur.

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