Monday 21 November 2016

Film Synopsis

I thought it was a good idea for Josh and I to finally sit down and write a synopsis for our short film. This is because it'll allow us to get our creative ideas flowing and be able to work on the project individually since we know what the film needs to center around. I think this'll allow me and Josh to show our own personal skills without changing our shared idea too much, if anything it could mean Josh and I get some new and better ideas for our short. An example of this is that Josh has suggested we do a scene in which the narrator plays a medley of songs to show his power. I instantly supported this idea and we've now made a note of it to include this in our script/storyboard to make sure it's used since it's a great idea. I found writing this synopsis helpful as it's an easy post that develops our production a little further without taking too much time or thought. If I was going to do this again I would like to perhaps change the wording to make it seem more comedic as at the moment it seems more like a drama than a comedy.

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