Friday 12 August 2016

Textual Analysis Of The "Anchorman: The Legend Of Ron Burgundy" Movie Poster

 I have decided to do more than the suggested amount of textual analysis' for my ancillary tasks. These are a movie poster and a radio advert. However, I have decided to do two poster analysis (each being a different type of comedy) and two radio advert (for two separate films) rather than one of each. This is because I think it'll give me a better understanding of each form of media. I was unable to find a comedy short film with a poster so I have decided to annotate Anchorman: The Legend Of Ron Burgundy for my first poster. Below are two slides with all of the annotations and extra information such as my personal feelings about the poster. I will explain why I did this underneath.

 This is the slide that fully breaks down the posters individual qualities. These include analysis' of the: tagline, billing block, movie's name, actor's name, background and character image. I don't think I missed anything out but I decided to annotate these parts because they're the qualities that feature on every traditional movie poster, especially comedies.

However, my second slide wasn't a breakdown of certain qualities of the poster but was an analysis of the poster as a whole. I chose to do this to learn what feelings/reactions I should try and evoke through my poster when I have to create one for my short film. I used previous textual analysis of other posters to help me come up with what topics I should talk about such as the purpose of the poster.

I'm not going to write a conclusion for any of my poster textual analysis' as I think I'd be better off doing a new post that combines the two individual ones and comparing them with one another as it'll allow me to discuss why I did the certain headings that I did when breaking down each of the posters and how it's helped me overall develop my skills in media as a whole.

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