Tuesday 16 August 2016

Textual Analysis Of The "Airplane!" Movie Poster

As I have decided to do two poster analysis I'm going to try and pick one conventional poster and one non-conventional poster. Anchorman: The Legend Of Ron Burgundy was the conventional one and now with Airplane! I'm moving on to the unconventional. This is because the comedy genre is made up of different types of comedy such as slapstick. I think by doing this it'll give me a better understanding of each sub-genre. Anchorman: The Legend Of Ron Burgundy was a tongue-and-cheek take on seventies culture, predominately news casting and Airplane! is a far fetched spoof created by Jim Abraha and David Zucker in 1980. Much like last time below are my two slides with all of the analysis about the poster. Underneath each I'll be writing a small conclusion on the slide.

This is the slide that fully breaks down the posters individual qualities. These include analysis' of the: tagline, billing block, movie's name, actor's name, background and main image.

HowI used my Anchorman: The Legend Of Ron Burgundy textual analysis posters post to help me come up with what topics I should talk about.

Overall, after researching the conventions of a movie poster at great length and applying it to both Anchorman & Airplane to see these accepts in a practical way and to be able to analyse them at great length has allowed me to gain the knowledge I need to create my own movie poster I believe. These two posts have allowed me to learn how I should consider using the tagline, billing block, movie's name, actor's name, background and main image which has certainly given me a clear idea of how I will approach making my poster. I'm pleased with these posts as it has shown clear professionalise and I haven't mentioned anything that isn't useful meaning everything was necessary for me to understand how to make a poster.

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