Tuesday 17 January 2017

Evaluation Question 1: In What Way Does Your Media Product Use, Develop & Challenge Forms & Conventions Of Real Media Products?

To answer the question "In What Way Does Your Media Product Use, Develop & Challenge Forms & Conventions Of Real Media Products?" I'm going to split this question into three sections for each part, these are using conventions, developing conventions and challenging conventions. I'm going to be analysing these three parts in order of appearance in the question so I'm going to start with using conventions and to do this I am going to use JPEGs of a Microsoft PowerPoint I'm going to create.


I'm now doing to type directly onto Blogger and analyse what conventions I developed in the context of my short film. The aspects of creating a film I believe I've developed are the location, number of characters and camera shots.

The Location:
Typically in a comedy film the setting doesn't have a set location but when making a teen comedy it is assumed that the movie will take place either partially or entirely in a school. I did conform to using this convention. However, whereas a normal comedy film would have the characters in a class being taught or being outside on the playground my film takes it's characters into a unused room and they become trapped. I decided to develop this convention as it better suited my story rather than just having the characters in a normal classroom they could just walk out of. I also managed to use multiple locations which isn't common in a short film because of the budget being small so I'm glad I could develop and use multiple locations that include: a home, the road, a carpark and the unused room. I believe me using these locations allowed me to develop upon a convention I'm not a fan of in sort films as I like to see the characters moving to new places so being able to use different places helped me feel as if I was doing something different in my short film.

Number Of Characters:
For a short film and most feature length comedy movies it common to have a small group of around 3/4 characters. I decided to stay close to this number but increase it by three to give my short film a total of seven main characters. I decided to add more characters as I thought that a school is an environment in which someone would have more friends around them so I thought it would be better to include more people. I think this benefited my film as it allowed me to use different camera shots regularly which allowed me to keep the audiences interest as the shot didn't spend too long on one character individually.

Camera Shots:
I did nearly stick to just using the conventional types of camera shots and angles by using very basic ones in order to not over complicate my film. However, the shot in which I did a long take for the journey to school from the Horrabridge household meant I could develop this convention. This is because it allowed me to speed up the shot to about 10 times the average speed to allow the journey to appear faster. This shot allowed me to get some more comedic value out of the narrator by making him the one in control of the film and by adding the elevator music I was able to use an old conventions and reinvent it in a better way to improve my comedy short film as a whole.

Finally, I will talk about how my short film developed certain aspects of filmmaking to create something new and original. I'm going to display my work by using a Prezi to create a short but informative post about how I think I've changed old and underused conventions that rarely exist in normal comedy films.

To conclude, I believe that all three of my products between them use, develop and challenge typical film conventions. I think I've made the appropriate decisions when it came to deciding what conventions to use or not to better benefit my media products. This is because its allowed me to create a successful short film by trying new things but not stepping too far outside the comfort zone of making a comedy film. This has lead to me creating a unique product overall, I believe and hope it has lead to a more enjoyable short film because of its different qualities compared to what is available online to view when looking for a short film on sites such as YouTube.

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