Tuesday 3 January 2017

Costumes & Props Board

As my film relied on the editing and dialogue more than the costumes and props I've been left with very little to talk about in this post. However, as David is my main character and we showed him in two different costumes in the film I've decided I would take a picture of each and analyse it underneath.

Costume 1 - Pyjamas:
We chose to have David wear on pyjama bottoms at the start of the film as we thought showing some of his body to the audience would help create a bond between the character and audience because instantly we are shown an interment side of David's character. This decision was also made because we thought for a typical young man it was common to sleep with his shirt off so we wanted to portray this in our film. 

Costume 2 - Denim Jacket & Jeans:
Very little planning went into this outfit. This is because as David is basically going to play a more comedic version of himself me and Josh thought we would allow David to turn up to our first shooting day in an outfit of his choosing as we wanting him to be comfortable at all times in his role so his performance seems more genuine.

Overall, I didn't find this element of planning very useful as the film I'm creating doesn't rely on the props or costumes. Due to this I wasn't able to talk about much. However, I understand in a real life context this is an important part of production when making a film so I'm glad I gained some experience for this.

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