Monday 2 January 2017

The Room's Script

This is the final script for my film "The Room". As you can see I've given it a title page and have followed typical script writing conventions such as slug line, the choice of font and having directions/actions in the centre of the page. This is because I want my script to appear as professional as possible. I initially wrote this on Microsoft Word before converting the pages into JPEGs in order to show them on my blog in this way.

After completing this post I am happy with how this part of my production went. This is because I now have a clear, shared idea with Josh that will allow us to understand what we both want to feature in our film. This experience has also allowed me to gain a clearer understanding of how I'm going to portray my characters in the film and will better allow me to explain to my actors how I want them to show their characters personally traits in the film. Overall I found this script writing part of my production simple yet fulfilling as it allowed me to have a final idea of how I want me film to be. However, I won't enforce the script word for word as I want to give my actors a chance to improvise their lines and create new dialogue in case they come up with a better alternative that suits a scene more. This is because I understand sometimes comedy is a thing of the moment and something I've written now might not be as good after hearing it a couple times.

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