Wednesday 11 January 2017

Professional Audience Feedback

I made another questionnaire with exactly the same questions in order to see what a professional would think of my film.

To get a clear understanding of a professionals opinion I'm going to analyse one of my responses to see what they believe to be the positives and negatives about my film. I imagine the response shall be different as the persons age and life experience will change the way in which they watch my short film and how the perceive comedy in general.

Professional Feedback Candidate's Response:

As there are less responses for my professional audience feedback I will only be analysing this persons response. As you can see my professional in this case has answered very similarly too my regular audience. This wasn't a surprise as the candidate is still a relatively young male meaning his comedic desires aren't likely going to be very different to a younger males. However, as this is a professional they were able to give me a better insight in what I could do better next time. They said "Improve the ending. I felt like as soon as the characters were stuck in the room they were freed again with no real reason why". This has stuck with me as it completing makes me think of how differently I should have made my film. This is because I believe I should have made the opening montage sorter to allow myself more time to explore the events that unfold in the room. If I had produced this questionnaire sooner I believe I would have ben able to produce an even higher quality piece of work overall as I could use these comment to impact my writing technique to better cater towards more people of different ages.

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