Friday 20 January 2017

Evaluation Question 4: How Did You Use Media Technologies In The Constrution, Research & Planning and Evaluation Stages?

To answer this question I've decided to split the term "technologies" into two separate categories. These are hardware and software. I've decided to do this so I can show the different in how they've benefited my project. I'd shown this information using an image version of a PowerPoint I produced with a conclusion at the end.

Across the two types of technologies I noticed that I had used a lot more software/programs than I initially thought I would. This was likely because this year I wanted to try newer programs I wasn't familiar with or used much last year. I'm happy I did this as it meant I was able to test myself in a fun way as it was helpful to my blog. I found that each technology I talked about helped me in a different way. For construction I believe the most important ones to be the: Nikon DSLR 3300, Rode Shotgun Microphone, iPhone 6s, Photoshop & Corel as they allowed me to film/capture images I could edit to create my film piece. When it came to research and planning I would have to say that YouTube, Google Forms, Microsoft Word/Word Online and other online services (the previous slide) helped the most as it meant I could learn about the various things I needed to in order to know the codes/conventions and theories surrounding films similar to mine before being able to write my scripts in Word. Finally, Blogger was the main technology I used to evaluate as without it all my information would be separate but being able to upload everything to Blogger meant I could analyse photos and videos here. Other technologies helped my evaluating stage as well through being the way in which I would receive the information/image, such as the DSLR, PowerPoint, Google Forms and Prezi. To conclude, I would say I have used a large range of technologies to benefit my project in the construction, research and planning and evaluation stages as all the technologies listed above have had a clear impact on how my short film, radio advert and poster were created.

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