Tuesday 14 June 2016

Initial Response To The Briefs

Before starting this project we have been given a few pages that contain fourteen different tasks which include a basic summary of what each task in particular would involve us doing as well as what ancillary tasks are available to choose between if we choose that task. Of all the tasks I was only drawn towards the film making ones as I prefer to have a project that allows me to be more creative and in my opinion I can have that if I make a movie rather than something less interesting and basic such as a promotional package for an album (Task 1). However, I don't believe any of these tasks are boring or easy it's just for me I'd rather have made a movie as I enjoy them the most over the media platforms such as magazines or video games. The film making options also allow me to build upon what skills I learnt last year for my previous piece of coursework.

This is the task I've settled on but I'll explain why in a later post I'll be naming 'Which Task I Picked & Why' because I want to go into more detail about task ten and why I believe it's the best option for me to decide upon. I've have also spoken to Joshua Coombe as he is interested in choosing task ten and we have made the choice that it'd be a good idea to work with one another as partners to create a short film since we are good friends and have similar interests as well as a good knowledge of film which we believe we can use to our advantage.

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