Thursday 30 June 2016

Initial Ideas For Potential Short Films

For this project I'm doing to write a few different basic ideas of short films in the hope that I can develop them enough to see which one I would like to fully develop and make the focus of my project. I've decided to write five short films ideas. By this I mean I will produce a synopsis, mind map and mood board based around each short. I am doing this because I think it will allow me to explore what possibilities I have for this project. 

Project Option 1: 
A short film following a group of characters in a room with a narrator telling their story. However, they can all hear the ominous voice and interact with it. After a brief period of time passes they get irritated with it and start arguing amongst each other and with the narrator as the he begins to reveal some secrets the friends have been keeping from one another.

Project Option 2:
This film would utilise the documentary filming style of fictional characters mixed with elements of drama and would follow a day of a bullied student and all his interactions throughout the day. It would start with it being a positive story with the student having a nice family environment. Then it will slowly transform into a darker story in which we see the child being pushed around and mocked whilst being inter cut with interviews of the child, teachers and the bullies before the child returns home and has to lie to his family about his day.

Project Option 3:
In a black and white scene an old frail man stares at a picture from his childhood and a tear rolls down his cheek. Slowly the camera moves into the picture giving it more frame focus, but as it does so, the image gains colour until the image comes to life. The rest of the movie is the memory in current time of the man (as a boy) with his friends on a summer day.

I thought typing out a few rough ideas would allow me to elaborate this project option as it could let me see what sort of actors, props and locations I'd need to find in order to make this option a reality. Thanks to this I am able to make a decision on whether or not I should pick this task.

Project Option 4:
A child surviving in the wild alone is discovered by a pair of young explorers and brought back to civilisation as we know it today. The continuation of the story from this point on would be following the boy as he learns English, how basic tools/machines work and develops as a human rather than the animal that came previously. The film then flash forwards to a successful businessman and his family. The last short is a framed photo of the boy with the explorers.

Project Option 5:
There's an accident that results in a life changing moment for the four survivors. Each are taken in for questioning about it but within each retelling there's a number of differences and inconsistencies in their stories leaving police to wonder if everyone is telling the truth. (The four people are a young boy, young girl, old man and an old woman).

After talking with my partner on this project (Josh Coombe) we have decided to choose option one as the idea we'll further develop for our project. This is because we think this option will let us have the most fun planning and developing as it's an original concept when compared to others in our class as a lot of people are doing short films we are trying to differentiate ourselves so we believe this is the way to. This is as well as producing a good project at the same time. It'll also allows me and Josh to show our full range of skills when making a movie as we can include features such as voice over in the film meaning we can show our ability to work with different types of acting and producing hopefully showing we are talented at multiple aspects of film making.

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